Color Harmonics
Welcome to
Color Harmonics
Tashina Wilkinson
Color Harmonics
offers a systematic approach
to clarify and enhance
your beauty choices.
After a single session,
you’ll gain a clear understanding
of your “season,” personal style
and colors, plus your textures.
You will know what prints, patterns,
and accessories to choose.
This is your unique design for clothing,
home, and office environments,
creating visual harmony
and beauty all around you.
Discover your personal season.
"There are four types of people and each relates to a season of the year.
We reference nature to determine your colors, texture, design, and unique type.
Which season are you?"
Animated, light, lively,
crisp, and fun.
Gentle, soft, fluid,
relaxed, and muted.
Exotic, textured,
asymmetrical & rich
Which season are you?
Regal, smooth, structured, refined, and vibrant.
The Color Consultation
Every individual is a singular work of art;
we do not use generic palettes.
The Color Consultation
Our 2 1/2 hour consultation will reveal your color palette, custom created
into a handmade 17-stick fan
with almost 100 textured colored swatches.
Your Color Fan
We choose colors
that create visual harmony.
The effects of wearing your eye color?
You look credible, exude approachability,
and come across as totally authentic.
“Color, according to science,
is the vibration of light,
in other words, radiant energy.”
~ Suzanne Caygill
Fashion is like a spice
that comes and goes;
your personal colors
and style last a lifetime.
Natural beauty is more than physical, more than fashion.
It’s being energetically resonant with who you are,
by adorning yourself - not to impress but to express
your unique self.
Look better and healthier, feel prettier, be happier,
by revealing your unique, lovely self.
82 swatches of fabric
are selected from Tashina's color lab
of 2,800 color fabrics.
What clients are saying about color consulting with Tashina:
"My closet slowly but surely has transformed to reflect my color ranges and everything goes together beautifully.
I feel a whole new freedom of creativity that used to be a burden of choices.
Even the colors in my home are beginning to shift to reflect my twilight summer essence!"
~ JJ in Alaska
I feel transformed!
"I had a wonderful time with you the other day and have already been incorporating the things I learned from you. The information you shared was so simple, yet effective. People are really noticing me now. Things are definitely changing (for the better) in my life. You have been an important part of that."
~ Ellen Wisewoman
This is independence!
"Thank you for our beautiful time together! I am so inspired and love my new expressions of self...I am still glowing from the experience. I started with my purse and my next leap will be the boots. I love each purchase and feel my study of colors deepening after a few hours with you. I love the idea of you coming up to Alaska to share your gifts up north."
~ Juliana
I am so confident now!
It was so lovely to be together with you, watching you do your magic with Bonnie!! Changing shirts with her, wow, it looked so much better on her! What fun, and you are so loving to all of us women, with our insecurities. I am delighted with my colors and very reassured now to go through my wardrobe and stick to my palette of colors.”
~ Joanne Lescher
Show your true colors.
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