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    Harmonize your Home

    Use your palette to update your home decor,

    so it accurately expresses who you truly are.

  • You ... what you wear ... where you live:

    everything in harmony.

    Colors, textures, shapes, organization ...your home can reveal your beauty too.



    Where we tour your home and develop a sense of what it needs for a make over.



    The fun part, playing with ideas to turn your home into an extension of your look.


    The Make Over

    Putting it together. You'll be surprised how much can be done with what you have.

  • Into the Closet

    “I will help you organize your closet,

    cleaning out the old

    to make it easier to create new outfits

    from what you already have.

    Then, when we see what’s missing,

    we can shop to complete your wardrobe.”