• About Color Harmonics

    Color Harmonics is a discovery,

    a creative process,

    and a revelation.

    When your outer expression matches your inner essence,

    you glow,

    above and beyond

    whatever you are wearing.

    Tashina Wilkinson, A.I.C.I

    Tashina began training in Hawaii in 1999

    and just completed her

    latest educational upgrade

    in California in November, 2024.

  • My Story

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    I began my adventures with beauty and design with Color Me Green, an interior plant scaping business I started in Boulder, Colorado in the 1980’s.

    I started professional color consulting in 1999, studying in Hawaii with a wholistic training program called Illuminating Your Essence.

    I learned how to relate personalities and physical features to nature and her seasons.

    But my interest in beauty and art began long before that. From childhood, I’ve been fascinated with “appearances” so this was a natural career for me.

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    In 2002, I added to my skills by studying in the Aveda Institute in BC, Canada and becoming licensed as an aesthetician, then working in a high end spa providing skin care and make up.

    In 2012, I was certified from the Appearance Design Institute, accredited to offer certification, technical training, color palette creation and style.

    The Appearance Design Institute was founded by master color designer Sharon Chrisman, C.D.I., A.I.C.I., C.I.P. Her program is still respected as one of the most in-depth, color analysis systems available.

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    2012 was also the year I founded Color Harmonics.

    I’ve worked as a professional color consultant in Oregon and Maui since then, doing personal client consulting, hosting women’s groups and color education parties, teaching about color, texture, design, and style, shopping, wardrobe creations, organizing closets, make up colors, and how to accessorize.

    During that time I also worked at a clothing store in Ashland, Oregon, The Outback, Temple of Venus, as a color consultant, fashion and wardrobe guide, and window display creator.

  • Before and After

    "Working with Tashina and discovering the colors that work best for me

    has been a surprisingly transformative experience.

    It has given me many layers of insight about color and presentation that I did not anticipate. I could have saved untold hundreds of dollars in poor choices if I had done this sooner!!! I am delighted to have found her here on Maui. She imparts her knowledge seamlessly and is lovely to work with."

    Rajita Antonia Dieguez, Maui

  • Natural beauty is more than physical.

    Natural beauty is achieved when we adorn ourselves,

    not to impress but to express our unique selves.

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    Creating Your Fan

    People perceive us in a matter of seconds. Visual harmony creates a first impression that’s polished and well put together.

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    Working the lab

    “Color, according to science, is vibration of light, in other words, radiant energy.

    As perceived color enters the psyche, it is subconsciously filtered into immediate reactions on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.”

    - Susan Caygill

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    Your true colors

    Ideally, clothing and accessories present who you are, so people see your inner beauty, expressed accurately in your outer appearance.

  • Happy Clients Over the Years

    Changing My Look

    “I’ve been an artist for decades. Recently, I changed drastically and so I decided that it was time to change my personal color scheme. I had an amazing session with Tashina who is creative, meticulous, knowledgeable, and a pleasure to work with. Now I have a new color palette and people keep complimenting me on how wonderful I look!”        

    - H.H., Artist, Maui

    Passion is Contagious

    “Tashina’s knowledge, intuition, and love of beauty infused me with an enthusiasm to re-create my personal colors, style, and professional brand. Our sessions were a spiritual experience. I love it and I love her. Her passion is contagious."

    - J.C.T., Business Strategist, Mt Shasta, CA

    It's a True Gift

    “Getting my colors done by Tashina enhanced my life in so many ways. Using my fan to know what colors are best for me has made clothes shopping so much fun. It’s a true gift to work with Tashina!"

    - S.A., Breath Work Facilitator, Nevada City, CA